What is it about food memories? Some are so vivid y0u can almost taste it, your mouth starts to water and you either need to have the food from that memory soon or in a few days. This happens to me a lot. It happens with childhood foods, meals I made a week to a year ago and foods from my favorite restaurants. However, those memories don't always hold up like my mom's meatballs- I will never make them like she does. Mine will never, ever taste that good. I have totally given up on beef meatloaf because of the same fact: my mom makes it better. I still try though. Afterwards I critique everything part of the process like I do a photograph or a drawing. Joe always just looks at me and shrugs but I know deep down he has many awesome food memories.
Foods I have been thinking about lately are far away in New Jersey and Boston, the amazing food city I left recently. What do I miss? Let me break it down and tell me if you agree: Cheesesteaks, colonial salads, Boston: truffle fries from the cellar, Cambridge one pizza, dumplings from the Chinese restaurant down the street.. But here I am starting to develop and make my own food memories from the things I make and places I go. Like pulled pork sandwiches...Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1BDM1oBRJ8