Sunday, September 26, 2010

In the past week I have had some failures and successes. I made a beef cheddar pot pie that turned out awesome. It was a Rachael Ray recipe that I had set aside. I made a semi successful pulled pork in the crock pot but next time I am going to roast it in the oven because it was a little oily. The success occured when I made quesadillas with the pork and some bbq sauce. This week I am making spaghetti sauce so far and will be experimenting with my crock pot. I will be taking pictures this time. I found a website people should check out: Crock pot fun!

Pulled Pork

Pork tenderloin or any roast: Cut into smaller pieces to help shorten cook time.
Apple Cider
Diced Tomatoes
Onion ( a half)
Salt and Pepper
A bottle of beer

Combine of ingredients in the crock pot and cook on High for 7 hours .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Potatoes Recipes that I love.

Roasted Potatoes.

Quarted Potatoes: Think one medium potato a person.
Olive Oil: enough to coat all potatoes.
Truffle Oil or truffle salt: A little.
Salt and pepper: As desired.
Garlic powder: As desired.
cookie sheet

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Wash potatoes and cut into quarters.
Toss the potatoes in a bowl or on the cookie sheet with olive oil, truffle oil or salt, salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Put on a cookie sheet and cookie until desired crispness.


Potato Pizza

Pizza crust: premade or homemade but homemade is so much better.
Olive Oil
Potatoes: Sliced Thin, 4 to 5 for one pizza.
Rosemary: One Sprig
cheddar or fontina cheese: Three cups
Parmesan cheese: As desired
Garlic powder.
Salt and pepper as desired.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Roll out pizza dough to 1/4 inch thickness.
Take your knife and poke holes into the crust.
Brush Olive Oil onto crust.
Cut potatoes into thin slices then toss in olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Place potatoes on pizza, slightly overlapping then put cheese: cheddar or fontina first then parmesan on top with the rosemary.
Bake at 425 until the crust is browned and the potatoes are cooked through.


Till Next time..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Roasted. Fries. Waffle Fries. Spicy Fries. Mashed. Garlic Mashed. Baked. Twice Baked. Hash Browns. Tater Tots. Scalloped. Home Fries. A root vegetable. Fun to dig up. To dig up potatoes is like digging for gold. But where in Bennington are there good potatoes? Look forward and you shall see.

The Best Potatoes in Bennington/Hoosick.

@Carmody's Irish Nachos consists of waffles fries, nacho cheese, corned beef, cheddar cheese and a few chives tossed in to act like a vegetable. It is the perfect I feel like pigging out or sharing with a friend appetizer or meal.

@ The Old Firehouse in Hoosick Falls rivals Carmody's Irish Nachos with their Sam's fries. Once again it starts with waffle fries, cheddar cheese, fresh bacon, chives ( a little, no worries). Joe thinks that the fries are crispier and have more flavor than Carmody's. I personally enjoy Carmody's better because the nacho cheese and the melted cheese equals awesome. See what you think!

@Man of Kent, I am not sure about their fries, but every potato I have had there has been great. They have twice baked, red roasted, cheddar mashed. Yum Yum is what I say. But what does Man of Kent truly do wrong?

@ The Hoosick Diner, the Garbage platter is the only place in this area, except for maybe Manchester that does hashbrowns. The garbage platter is hashbrowns with cheese, a little egg, bacon, sausage, ham, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, onions and awesome. It weighs like five pounds. Plus it comes with toast and coffee! It's 9.99 and it provides like 3 more meals, for me at least.

Well that is it for my picks for potatoes in Bennington/ Hoosick. If anyone has any other places to try with potatoes, let me know!! Till next time with potato recipes, see you on the fry side!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hey guys! Okay, so I am back after a very long time. This time I will have more posts and I am going to change my name, I think. The thought process isn't all there yet. I am going to write about food I eat, Out and food I make in and also my culinary, domestic and life adventures. My first will be canning!

I canned tomatoes, oh yes I did. It wasn't even that bad, in Sam standards. I had Erin's help which definitely was a God sent. I didn't even get that much tomato on me! Crazy. All you do is blanch the tomatoes first to peel the skins off (during this time I wondered if this could be the easy way to peel grapes to make those fun eye balls?) C'est possible. Then, we added vinegar and salt to the Ball Jar that had been boiled, lid, and all. Then, the tomatoes and off to the canner. It was a success! And with the extra tomatoes, I made a sauce. Look at the pix!!