Sunday, September 26, 2010

In the past week I have had some failures and successes. I made a beef cheddar pot pie that turned out awesome. It was a Rachael Ray recipe that I had set aside. I made a semi successful pulled pork in the crock pot but next time I am going to roast it in the oven because it was a little oily. The success occured when I made quesadillas with the pork and some bbq sauce. This week I am making spaghetti sauce so far and will be experimenting with my crock pot. I will be taking pictures this time. I found a website people should check out: Crock pot fun!

Pulled Pork

Pork tenderloin or any roast: Cut into smaller pieces to help shorten cook time.
Apple Cider
Diced Tomatoes
Onion ( a half)
Salt and Pepper
A bottle of beer

Combine of ingredients in the crock pot and cook on High for 7 hours .

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